Our team

Our committee and staff introduce themselves and explain why they volunteer to move cycling forward in everyday life. 

Our association

From the "Lëtzebuerger Vëlos-Initiativ" to "ProVelo.lu" - Discover how Luxembourg's largest association of cyclists was born and how it evolved over the years.

Support our work

We're always in need of volunteers wanting to help out at our events or participate in our political working groups. Click here fore more information. 

If you would like to support our work with a tax-deductible donation, please transfer it to the following account with the reference "ProVelo donation". BIC: CCPLLULL - IBAN LU96 1111 0734 1886 0000 Stëftung Oekofonds - Luxembourg

Become a member

Nearly 1800 members already support our work.  You, too, can help to make cycling safer. 

Our charters

Via the following link, you can view our charters.